Chicago 2014 - Proposal

Gold sponsors

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Idempotence, Immutability, and Concurrency: Backing up Big Data


Traditional database, and storage, approaches have a well-defined, well-understood, "enterprise-ready" approach to backup and restore. NoSQL, as a general category, encompasses a wide variety of approaches for data storage, persistence, and database configuration. This has resulted in increased complexity when planning and implementing a backup and restore strategy. As DevOps practitioners, understanding application semantics ensure that our approach to backups aligns with the application, and business, needs.

In this session, Basho will discuss the core concepts/reasons why backup & restore strategies are considered, explain data persistence in the context of "dynamo-like" (i.e. Riak & Cassandra) solutions, and discuss ways to achieve the goals of backup and restoration as datasets continue to scale rapidly.

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Signal Datadog CloudBees ScriptRock CHEF Rackspace XebiaLabs Elasticsearch Microsoft Orbitz Circonus

Silver sponsors

DRW Trading VictorOps ServerCentral Puppet Labs Enova 10th Magnitude

Bronze sponsors

Opinion Lab

Media sponsors

O'Reilly Media Arrested DevOps Food Fight Show The Ship Show Blacks in Technology

Wifi sponsors

Cisco Meraki Backstop Solutions Group